Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Importance of Confession

Why do Catholics have to confess their sins to a priest instead of confessing straight to God if Christ is the one true mediator? First, the Catholic Church is infallible in her teaching, and the true ability to interpret Sacred Scripture and preserve the teachings of Jesus Christ are only really possible within her. Jesus gave St. Peter, upon whom the Church was built, ultimate teaching authority over the Church, including the power to forgive sins. St. Peter's successors are the bishops, and Christ gave that power to forgive sins to his other Apostles, whose successors are the priests. The Church properly teaches the doctrines of faith for our salvation and entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, the Catholic Church, with her divine teaching authority ordained by Christ himself, assures us of the necessity and legitimacy of the Sacraments established by Christ, which includes the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

The Church teaches that the Sacrament of Reconciliation is
the necessary means by which one receives the forgiveness of God. After Christ had resurrected from the dead, he breathed on his Apostles, signifying that he had given them the authority to forgive sins. Christ intends that all of our sins be forgiven through the Church by confession of sins to priests. A priest, by his ordination, is given as much power to minister God’s healing power of forgiveness as the Apostles themselves possessed. God chose to express his forgiveness to us this way. Because our humanity is sacred to God, He reaches out to us through this humanity. Also, in confession, the priest represents the Church, which is the Mystical Body of Christ. So, Christ is present during our confession of sins and mediates between God and us.

Confession to priests shows that we trust in God and that we are truly and sincerely sorry and repentant for our sins, for it requires humility. We are assured that our sins are forgiven through our confession. Although confession your sins to a priest may seem quite frightening and humiliating, just know that the priest is always gentle and compassionate. He will not condemn you for your wrong, immoral acts, rather he will forgive and absolve you of your sins through Christ himself. I usually become nervous and worried when I am getting ready to go and confess my sins to a priest, but it becomes a little easier the more often you go. And, the feeling of your soul being cleansed of its sins makes you joyous as you know that your soul has been filled with grace and that your relationship with God has strengthened.

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