Friday, April 5, 2013

Is Love Subjective?

I believe that love is subjective. But, what is love? Love is a strong affection for each other arising from a relationship. It is also the desire of good for someone for his/her own sake. God created us out of love and for love. And, because he loves us infinitely, he sent us a savior and redeemer, Jesus Christ, to save us from sin. It was our fault that we began to experience suffering and death. God created us for our own good and for our own sake. And, through our sin of disobeying the one rule God had asked us to follow, we began to suffer from the effects of sin, such as concupiscence. But, this sinful action of our early parents, Adam and Eve, is known as a happy fault, Felix Culpa, for, from it, God was able to bring about a greater good, which includes sending his only Begotten Son Jesus Christ to save and redeem us from sin. This shows the great intensity of God's love for us. But, because we are human and not perfect, we are not capable of loving infinitely as God does.
Therefore, I also believe that we have the ability of loving objectively. When we love subjectively, we truly love that person; we have true, strong feelings and emotions towards that person. But, we do not necessarily have those same feelings towards a stronger that he have never seen before. Yet, we are trying to live out Jesus' Commandment of Love, which states that you should love your neighbor as he has loved you, so I believe that is when you love someone objectively. I find it quite hard to truly love those who I have never met before or those I do not have a strong relationship with. For example, I often do not feel like I truly love my extended family members as I love my mother or God, but I do love them in a different way, which I believe is objective. Although we are not capable of loving as God loves, we should still try to truly love all of our neighbors just as Christ taught us to do so. 

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