Same-Sex Marriage
First and foremost, the Church is against homosexuality, meaning that it is also against same-sex marriage. Scripture writes describes how homosexuality is immoral. In Genesis 19, there are two angels that visit the city of Sodom, and they are invited by a man named Lot to be his guests. The men of Sodom demand that he hands his guests over so that they may take part in homosexual actions, but Lot refuses. The angels blind the men of Sodom, and the city is burned due to the sinfulness of the men. Homosexuality is unnatural, for it is not natural for a man and a man or a woman and a woman to be together in marriage. The only marriage that follows the divine and natural law is the marriage between a man and woman. In Judas 7, it is written that Sodom and Gomorrah "acted immorally and indulged in unnatural lust." Marriage is meant to be permanent, faithful, and life-giving. Although a same-sex marriage can be faithful and permanent, it cannot be life-giving, for life comes from the union between a man and a woman. And, if a same-sex couple that is married adopts a child, the child will not experience life the way it should really be experienced. He or she is lacking either a mother or a father, and that can really affect the way a child is brought up and raised. It is necessary for a child to have the input from a mother and a father, and where one of them is not present, there is a deficiency that is inerrant.
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